What is a microschool?

The concept of a microschool is new to many people, but they are growing in popularity across the nation. Microschooling is the reinvention of the one-room school house, where class size is typically smaller than that in most schools (15 students or less in a classroom) and they include mixed-age level groupings.


How do you teach multi grade levels at one time?

At Learn To Thrive Education our learning groups are intentionally small so we can provide students with a personalized education experience that they may not otherwise receive in a larger education setting.  Our teachers are aware that one size does not fit all. Students have the opportunity to learn, grow, and thrive at their own level and pace while participating in one of our four pathways to learning. 

Students are taught core subjects (reading, math) through small groups and one-on-one instruction. Learning groups are fluid and shift as student needs change.  Science, Social Studies and other enrichment topics are taught whole group through unit themes and project-based learning experiences that are hands-on and guided by student interests.


How are standards and curriculum goals met for multi-age classrooms?

Each student's learning path is unique. With the help of parents/guardians, we create a personalized plan that focuses on the whole child. Each child works on a continuum at their own pace to learn academics, solve problems, think critically, socialize, and grow emotionally. The teacher’s job in a multi-age classroom is to facilitate the educational journey and incorporate the standards and curricular resources that can support students learning along the way. High standards are not equal to the same standards.

How do I know if my child is a good fit for your program?

We serve students with a wide range of abilities. We are an inclusive learning environment. All students must be potty trained and able to work in a small group environment throughout the day.  If you desire

A small, homeschool-like learning environment.

Are comfortable with mixed-age grouping

Value personalized and student-centered learning

Value growth over excellence

Prefer hands-on learning experiences over memorization and standardized learning.

Our program may be a good fit for your child

How much is tuition at Learn To Thrive Education?

Our tuition pricing is located here. We accept scholarships such as FTC/FES. FES - UA and New Worlds Scholarships.


What might a typical day look like?

We incorporate work cycles that include a rotation schedule in which students are working on different skills at different times. This helps to ensure all students are receiving personalized learning. During these times, teachers/guides also do small group and 1:1 instruction with learners.

What students do you serve?

We are an inclusive learning environment. We work with general education students who need an alternative learning environment.  We also work with students with  mild/moderate Autism, Dyslexia, ADHD, ADD, Auditory Processing Disorder, Dysgraphia, Intellectual Delay, Speech and Occupational Therapy Delays and more.

Will learners be grouped by grade level?

Students at Learn To Thrive are grouped by upper and lower school elementary grades and middle school level. We believe that children learn best while working alongside peers both younger and older than themselves rather than separated into age-based groups. Every student will have numerous opportunities to work collaboratively with their peers with varying ability levels.

How will progress monitoring and feedback work without traditional report cards?

Typical report cards with letter grades do not align with the style of learning our students participate in. We provide high challenge high support learning and expect high-quality performance from our students in accordance to their ability level.  However, we do value feedback and reporting that guide the teacher as well as inform the parents. We want to ensure we are nurturing a love for learning in students without the unnecessary pressures of traditional letter grades or standardized testing.

Progress monitoring is continuous and progress reports are provided quarterly.

Our report cards measure student progress on an individual specific skills providing more specific information rather than a simple letter grade provides. Our report cards include a letter grade along with  a narrative describing each student’s growth. This includes strengths, areas of improvement of learning goals, leadership skills, social skills, and social/emotional development. 


What if my child’s learning or behavioral challenges require one-on-one instruction? Are there any options available to my family?

Yes! The first option we recommend our Exceptional Hybrid Option. Your child can attend up to 3 days per week for a maximum of 3 hours each day. We will work with you to build a custom program for them combined with your homeschool option. Training is provided to the parent.

The second option we recommend is having behavioral personnel (hired by your family) attend with your child to provide required one-on-one assistance throughout the day. Insurance may cover this option.

Do you offer specialized services, for learning/ behavioral support for students with special needs?

We value working with families of students with diverse learning needs. We are proud to partner with local community agencies to offer the option to receive specialized services such as speech, and occupational therapy, physical therapy, and applied behavior analysis (ABA) support during your child's school day.  We require family interviews to determine if our program is an appropriate fit for every student before enrolling. 


What assessments do you offer to measure student growth and success of the program.

We offer a few options depending on student ability; The MAP Growth Test, The  ITBS Test and The Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills – Revised (ABLLS-R )Test These assessments are optional for Hybrid Homeschool students.

Is the part-time home school program like a co-op?

This is a drop-off program that does not require parental attendance. 


Does your facility provide lunch?

All students expected to bring their lunch, a snack, and a refillable water bottle. With parental consent, our learning center provides one snack choice for students by request only. Students are not allowed to share food.


Does your school provide payment plans?

Yes. We offer a variety of payment plans to suit the needs of each family. Parents/guardians may choose to pay a one time annual tuition payment two equal tuition payments, or 10 equal monthly installments. Families needing additional financial assistance may contact the main office for details.


Does your school offer after-school activities?

We currently provide clubs and tutoring sessions during after-school hours  from 2:00 pm-5:00 pm Monday--Thursday.