2024-2025 Open Enrollment!


To cultivate a community of lifelong learners by providing positive learning experiences for students with diverse learning differences to become inspired, empowered, and prepared to transform their sense of purpose and embrace opportunities to thrive in life.



Our Core Beliefs

At Learn To Thrive Education & Resource Center, we strive to ensure our learners can reach their fullest potential. Our belief is that all children deserve equitable learning experiences fostering high quality, high challenge, and high support experiences that will support learning, growth, and transformation leading to success in life. 

Our Principles


Our mission is to partner with parents and other community members to support our students' academic, social, and emotional growth.


Every student has a talent, skills and something valuable to offer society. Learn to Thrive Education Center help learners discover their strengths and preferred ways to learn and how to grow and use them to explore limitless possibilities.


We believe our learner's growth is connected to how they view themselves.  Learn to Thrive Education Center give individuals the tools and skills needed to build confidence to succeed and thrive academically, socially and emotionally. 


We are committed to preparing learners to transform their communities using their diverse abilities, gifts, and talents.



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Hope House Press

Non Traditional Learning for Non Traditional Learners

Not Your Traditional Classrooms

Not Your Traditional Classrooms

Learn To Thrive offers flexible classrooms to create the best learning environment for all students.

      Flexible Learning Space

We know how hard it is to sit at a desk all day that's why we allow students to have options, tables, chairs, wobble seats, stools, bean bags, mats and sensory spaces. Learning may also take place outdoors in nature.

Flexible Instruction

Our staff  have the flexibility to create creative and customized lessons to reach all the students

Flexible Teachers

Our teachers specialize in different teaching styles. We offer traditional, specialized, and multi-sensory instruction giving students options to choose what works best for their learning style.

Not Your Traditional School Days

Not Your Traditional School Days

We offer flexible scheduling to fit the needs and interests of your family. Students can choose 1-5 days a week. There should be flexibility for students to learn in different ways and in various spaces.

                Monday-Wednesday-Core Learning                          Social Emotional Learning
English Language Arts
Social Studies

Thursday- Enrichment Classes
Social Emotional Learning
PE/ Movement/Nutrition
                                   Reading Club                                                                        Financial Literacy                                                                          Life Skills                                                                                    Art Club                                       STEM Lab 
                                       Makerspace                                                                                 Media                                                                                        The Arts                                                        

Friday- Enrichment Experiences
 Every Friday students go beyond the classroom walls. Students have the opportunity to connect what their learning with real-life experiences. This experiential program is designed to incorporate community programs that will develop their life skills, broadening their learning with guest speakers, career exploration, and hands-on learning and field trips. This transformational opportunity keeps students engaged and excited about learning. These curated experiences are based on student and parent interests.

Not Your Traditional Learning

Not Your Traditional Learning

We understand there is not a one-size-fits-all approach. All students have their unique way of learning and learn at their own pace. We offer multiple ways of instruction to reach all learners through traditional, specialized, and multi-sensory instruction.

To ensure all learners are learning at their appropriate level, Learn To Thrive supports learners  through our four Pathways to Learning:

  • Exceptional
  • Foundations
  • Standard
  • Acclerated


Our Learning Focus

Multi Sensory Experiences

Multisensory learning is one of the most successful ways of learning. Multisensory learning helps individuals learn by using more than one sense. For children with dyslexia and other related learning differences, the use of the visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and tactile modalities can be very helpful. Multisensory learning refers to structuring a lesson to encourage children to engage more than one of their senses while learning. This learning approach supports visual, aural, kinesthetic, and tactile senses. When our various senses are activated as we learn new information, we are able to retain that information more effectively.  

Life Skills

Life skills can be defined as abilities that enable humans to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of life. Life skills incorporate thinking skills, social skills and emotional skills. Teaching  children life skills is important for many reasons. These skills can help children develop confidence, independence, self awareness and have the ability to deal with various situations that comes their way. Incorporating life skills gives your child a  more practical educational learning experience.

Project Based Learning

Project Based Learning (PBL) is a teaching method in which students learn by actively engaging in real-world and personally meaningful projects. Students work on a project over an extended period of time engaging in solving a real-world problem or answering a complex question. They demonstrate their knowledge and skills by creating a  product or presentation for a real audience.Students develop deep content knowledge as well as critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, and communication skills. 

Career Exploration

Incorporating career exploration in early childhood will establish a sense of identity in the workspace. Learners will have improved their attitudes about career possibilities and become motivated about career goals. Career exploration helps students make informed decisions about their future careers, and develop a sense of direction and purpose. 

STEM Exploration

STEM is an acronym for science, technology, engineering, and math. STEM is hands-on learning that applies to the world around us. Exposing students to STEM early on sets the foundation for higher learning.  STEM activities build and teach creativity, problem-solving, life skills, resourcefulness, patience, and curiosity. STEM will shape the future as our world grows and changes and will prepare students for rewarding careers.

Community Based Learning

Community-based learning (CBL) is an educational approach in which students learn by engaging and interacting with their local communities. Students can learn real-world skills through community engagement while providing needed services that promote positive social outcomes. These activities are intentional and purposeful and alllow students  to get involved with their communities by doing things that can provide noticeable differences. 


Why Choose Learn To Thrive Education Center

Certified and Experienced Teachers
Experience with all exceptionalities
Small classes
Customized Learning
Inclusive Environment
Multi-Sensory Teaching Approach
Flexible & fun learning experiences
Experiential Learning
Community focused

Why Choose Learn To Thrive Education Center

  • Certified and Experienced Teachers
  • Experience with all exceptionalities
  • Small classes
  • Customized Learning
  • Inclusive Environment
  • Multi-Sensory Teaching Approach
  • Flexible & fun learning experiences
  • Experiential Learning
  • Community focused